Women's Adult Volleyball Tournament

Saturday, April 12, 2025

Mayville State University Lewy Lee Fieldhouse

  • - Must be 18 or older to participate
  • - $150/team
  • - Teams can consist of 6-8 individuals


  • - Start times may vary, depending on the number of registered teams. Some teams may start in the morning and some will start early afternoon.
  • - An email will be sent to team captains the week of the tournament. It will include the schedule and rules for play.
  • - Concessions will be offered.
  • - Volleyballs will be on site for game and warm-up use.

Inclement Weather

If the tournament is canceled due to inclement weather, half of the registration fee will be returned. If the tournament is held and a team chooses not to travel, there is no refund.


Elora Passa, Mayville State Head Volleyball Coach - elora.passa@mayvillestate.edu

Fields with asterisk are required.